
Pada 28hb Feb 2010 (Sun) baru neh den & somi ada menyertai satu seminar neh yg dianjurkan oleh Institute Khalifah kat KL bebaru neh.. (Pls click HERE to know further details about the institute)
Almaklomlah kan.. Jaman sekarang amat mencabar sekali utk membesarkan anak2 yg serba-serbi urban lifestyle, modern living, global thinking neh... Living in 'FAST GROWING' country lah bak kater omputeynya tuh.. So, of cos lah UJIAN & DUGAAN tu terbentang luas dihadapan mata.. Bukak jek pintu rumah, NAH, 'semua'nya 'tersergam indah' menunggu peluang... Jgnkan keluar rumah, dari dlm rumah pon ada UJIAN & DUGAAN nya tu... Apo laie kalo tak dari kotak itam (skang panggilan glemernya flat screen lah, LCD lah, plasma lah but all is refered to the same thing which we called TV) nun... serta UJIAN & DUGAAN dpd jalur lebar (atau dgn nama pemesnya INTERNET)...
Utk menghadapi CABARAN2 ini, den yg merangkap sbg seorg ANAK, cum seorg IBU, cum seorg ISTERI, cum seorg KAKAK, cum seorg RAKAN, cum seorg JIRAN dan cum seorg KULI yg serba jahil, serba dhaif, serba lack in everything neh, den gagahkanlah diri join this seminar.. Seminar neh Mr Somi yg google.. He said, long time before he's been searching this kind of seminar for us to attend.. So, dia pon ajaklah den sekali join after knowing there's parenting seminar such this... TQ so much to my Mr Somi..
So, after spending sometimes at my kg way back Johore there, on Saturday night (1 day before the seminar), we drove 110kmph back to KL hehe... Alhamdulillah Allah perkenankan.. kami berjaya menghadirkan diri on the next morning even dah terlambat sebab pusing2 gak nak carik the location.. The institute had moved from Ampang to the lovely banglow inside a housing area in the middle of KL.. It's actually a school inside there..
About the programme:
8:30 : Pendaftaran
8:50 : Ucapan alu2an & sesi berkenal2an
9:30 : Topik 1: Pandangan Alam & Konsep Khalifah
10:45 : Minom pagi [We had sandwiches & some kuih-muih]
11:00 : Topik 2: Hukum Pembelajaran
12:00 : Aktiviti dlm kumpulan [So exciting when all of the participants get along & pour all their ideas]
13:00 : Makan tgh-hari & solat zuhur [We had nasik beriani ayam nyum nyum ^^]
14:00 : Topik 3 : Pengukuhan Pengaruh Positif
15:00 : Topik 4 : Parenting Tips
16:00 : Sesi soal-jawab / kongsi pengalaman
17:00 : Penyampaian sijil & penutup
Our facilitator was Prof. Dr. Alini Marzuki.. (tak sempat & forgot to take pic with her -.-; )
She shared her parenting tips in raising kids with Freedom of Choice.. Tho, her kids got all their Freedom of Choice, but she make sure all her kids choose ONLY the good one.. She let her kids decide by themselves, BUT at the same time she raised them using Khalifah System (click: SHAPING EXCELLENT CHARACTER) which can guide her kids to only the Allah most wanted path..
Roughly about what we've been thought during the seminar is;
3 Langkah mudah Kaedah Khalifah
Langkah 1
Tanamkan dlm diri anak2 mahu menjadi khalifah di bumi Allah yg sejati. Lakukannya dgn cara yg boleh menimbulkan perasaan dlm hati mereka bahawa ini adalah satu penghormatan besar & t'jwb yg amat menyeronokkan. Terangkan kpd anak2 ada 3 t'jwb sbg Khalifah di bumi Allah:
1. Jadikan diri baik
2. Bantu orang lain jadi baik
3. Jadikan alam sekeliling bersih, Indah & sejahtera
2. Bantu orang lain jadi baik
3. Jadikan alam sekeliling bersih, Indah & sejahtera
Langkah 2
Perkukuhkan tabiat baik melalui GANJARAN. Denga cara yg berbeza2.. Berikan ganjaran berupa kata penghargaan, perhatian & kasih-sayang utk perkara yg baik yg anak2 kita lakukan atau perkara buruk yg mereka tinggalkan.
Langkah 3
Sediakan peraturan yg jelas supaya anak2 tahu & faham apa yg mereka boleh buat & apa yg mereka perlu jauhi. Laksanakan peraturan dgn TEGAS tetapi LEMBUT iaitu tanpa kekasaran & cemuhan...
Of cos in the seminar, they'll teach us HOW to do it... But, can I do it? Insya-Allah.. Apa yg penting??? -> K-E-R-J-A-S-A-M-A !
Alhamdulillah.. Maka dengan ini, even tak banyak pon sikit ilmu yg kami ada/perolehi utk membesarkan anak2.. At the first phase kecundang gak.. Payah gak nak pratiskan in reality.. Learning the theory seem so easier to me, but when it came to the practical part, oooolala~~ Hafta brush-up my PATIENCE really (T_T).. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku, berkatilah... Amiinnn...
So to know more about the seminar or any programme organized by this Khalifah Institute, u can contact them & follow their web-site (http://www.islamic-world.net/institute/index.php).. They said they'll upgrade it .. And maybe there'll also a blog in the future... Allahua'lam.
Thanks to the organizer & to allahyarham Prof. Dr. Muhammad al-Mahdi whom has founded the Khalifah method & system for us to apply in our daily life... and most of all thanks to Allah for let us having a bit of His merciful knowledge to raise our kids... May Allah guide & bless us.. Amiin.

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Sila komen sehabis ayus yo... ^^