Semalam, 8 Dec 09 (Selasa) my dear anata (my laling) came back from his out-station. Me & the kids TERsangat TERuja, not only seeing him safe & sound coming back to our home, but so excited to know what he had brought back from the Japan's trip ^^); ..
3i dah tak sabar2 all along from KLIA to Subang Jaya asking about what's inside THE BAG! ^^
Beg pulak semua kemas berkunci hehehe... So, they really had to wait until we reached home.
Sampai jek rumah, terus kena serbu by the kiddos.. Really dah out of patience already... and tarrraaaa here we goes (out from Doraemon's pocket):
☆Purezento Izza - Colourful binocular ☆
(bila kita teropong nnt mata berpinar2 dgn colorful image dlm teropong tu ^^)
★Purezento Izzi - The vicious alligator ^^★
(Leh men reramai.. Picit gigi boye neh ikut turn.. Siapa yg kena ngap, dia kalah.. nasiblah kalo kena hehe^^) ※ Puruzento Izz - Japan traditional toy KENDAMA ※
What's KENDAMA? :
How to play KENDAMA? Easy u said? Let's try if u dare ^^
Errr.. utk ummi xdak kaaa? (tertanya2 di dlm hati hehe...) Tuptup my hubby kuarkan me & his peberet Nippon's food! Yummy!
Ni dipangge MENTAIKO . Telur ikan mentah yg telah diperap dgn serbuk cili.. sodap banget ^^
Kuih yg diperbuat dpd 'Goma' (bijan).. Bonda den syakap, "Mcm rasa kuih tepong gomak jek?" . Xtau siapa yg guna dulu word 'GOMA' neh, samada Jepon dulu or Melayu dulu hehehe..
'Goma' salad dressing (my dear anata's peberet ^^)
Mentaiko & peperenchino spagetty ^^ Dah baper ploh tahon x makan neh.. dulu masa student dok melantak instant food neh bleh dikatakan hehari.. tgk ingredients mcm sumer leh ditelan.. tawakkal lillahita'ala.. yakin boleh ^^
@Purezento Maktok - set cawan cenonet with Japan's traditional paintings@
Sebijik sudah dipecahkan dek cucu kesayangan.. ponat2 handle with care bwk dari Jepon, sampai Mesia cucu kasik pocah sebijik hehehe... sabaww yo lah bonda ^^
ARIGATOU Ab! Caaayaaaangg Ab!!!
(Hari2 kitaorg cayang tawww, bukan taim dpt gifts jek hehehe ^^ )
And to my surprised, tiba2 my dear anata handed over a paper bag filled with 2 boxes same packaging. Katanya dari KAK AINI.. ingaaaattt jugak kak Aini kat kami.. Teruja yg tak terhingga bila bukak gift tu.. tu diaaaaaa... NORITAKE!!! (to LEARN more about Noritake pls visit here: Mr Wiki , ngeh3x..) .. My dear anata paid a visit to her gojes home in Tokyo, Japan during his trip.. Siap dijamu makan nasik ayam super power lagi dengarnya (akak ni mmg terrer masak!).. dahlah tu, bagi lagi HADIAH yg GOJES neh ^^ ! Ureshii yg tak terhingga ^^.. Alhamdulillah.. Cayang kak Aini! mmmuaaaahhhhsss ^^ .. (we always luv ya but this time the luv is more hehehe ..^^)
hahhaha,udah balik ye..abes la time bertenet di rumah???ari tu kemain tak kira masa ade je kat FB hahahaa...
BalasPadamHahaha.. Adeh x pasan komen akak neh.. Dah masok Januari 2010 baru pasan neh hahaha..
BalasPadamSbb tu dpt sakan bertenet kak oiii.. big boss xdak rmh, den lah big boss tenet muahaha.. kalo dia o/stesen ke obersi dia x bwk wi-fi.. apo laie? Den konker lah hehe..